5 Creative ways of using QR codes in Marketing

Discover 5 innovative ways to leverage QR codes in your marketing strategy, from interactive print ads to personalized product packaging.

5 Creative ways of using QR codes in Marketing

Created on 7 September, 2024 QR Code Generator • 76 views • 10 minutes read

Discover 5 innovative ways to leverage QR codes in your marketing strategy, from interactive print ads to personalized product packaging.

5 Creative ways of using QR codes in Marketing

5 creative ways of using QR codes in marketing:QR codes are little boxes using black and white checkers. You must have come across them on food trays, billboards or probably in a television commercial. With your phone, they provide you with more information when you scan them. Barcode reading technologies, namely, QR codes enable people and businesses to share Web links, videos and coupons for instance without typing anything. This makes QR codes very beneficial in marketing the products or brands of the respective companies. Now let’s find out about 5 innovative utilizations of QR Codes in Marketing and how they may benefit the evolving commercial sector.

1. Using QR Codes for Discounts and Coupons.

coupon QR Code Generator

Everyone would not mind being associated with something that is cheap or that comes with a discount or a coupon, right? Well, companies can sign different products with QR codes and offer customers some exceptional discounts. For instance, when you enter a supermarket and you see a poster that states “Scan this code and get a 20% discount,” you take out your phone, scan the code, and are issued a coupon, which you can redeem at the supermarket. This is great fun, sign up easily and quickly without any hassle at all.

Why it works:

  • Easy access: One can get discounts without struggling or having to pay a lot of money for them.
  • No printing needed: Further, consumers benefit from the ability of the coupons to save their money which is something they would have probably used when redeeming traditional paper coupons.
  • Track usage: Businesses can for instance identify the number of people who scanned the code to seek the coupon and thus plan for any upcoming promotions well.

How to make it unique:

  • Place a countdown timer beside the code or in the presence of the code embed the code’s image on the page.
  • This puts pressure and offers people the incentive to quickly scan it before the offer expires.
  • It is important to ensure that the surroundings of the QR code are interesting through the use of bright colors or unique designs.

2. Engaging video content through the use of QR Codes

video QR Code Generator

People like to be shown more about your product or service and that is why you should consider uploading videos. Some ideas include ordinary posters or advertisements, but instead of having a call to place an ad on their website, they can come up with a QR code that leads to the company’s video. For instance, if you are in a car lot then you might find a QR code alongside a particular car. And if you scan the code you can watch the car in action, find out more about the features of the car or listen to some of the satisfied customers.

Why it works:

  • More engagement: There is nothing more satisfying to people than getting a comprehensive video of how a certain product performs.
  • Saves time: Sometimes a one-minute video will say all that needs to be said to the customer rather than having someone providing the information.
  • Personal touch: Videos can help a brand to be viewed as more personal and believable.

How to make it unique:

  • Share unique messages for users through the help of QR codes. Such as informing people that they will only be able to view a particular video if they scan the code so that they will feel that it is something out of the ordinary.
  • This should be done by incorporating some links, and polls whereby the viewers of the video should be allowed to provide their opinions.

3. The Quick Response Code for Social Media Expansion

Social QR Code Generator

Social media is very vital to businesses. Following a business or a company’s account on Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook is very simple through QR codes. For instance, assuming you are at a café and on your cup of coffee there is a QR code. When you read it, it directs you to the cafés Instagram page and you can like and follow them and enjoy attractive pictures of their drinks and food.

Why it works:

  • Fast and easy: Need not look for the page of the business on social media platforms. This does it. A quick scan.
  • More followers: The more accessible the path to You, the more people will follow You.
  • Engagement: With the help of QR codes people can be taken to contests, gift-sharing processes or something exciting on social networks.

How to make it unique: 

  • Make it into a competition! A company can place QR codes in unexpected places around the store or in the neighborhood settings giving incentives such as a discount code to those who follow.
  • After the scanning of the QR code, be sure to have personalized landing pages that would extend the user a word of appreciation for following and/or a special offer or piece of information made specifically for him/her.

4. Using QR Codes for Product Labeling:

Product QR Code Generator

Some companies often encode their products’ packs with QR codes where customers can get more information about the product. For instance, if one has bought a box of cookies. The packaging is, of course, quite aesthetically pleasing but it lacks important information such as the provenance of the ingredients, or the ideal method of consuming the cookies. And all of that you could have learned by just using a QR code that was placed on the package. It could take you to recipes, videos which are about the brand, or some nutritional facts.

Why it works:

  • More information: QR codes allow businesses to share more details while occupying less space on the packaging.
  • Interactive experience: Customers and the product become more intimate when the customers can get more information on the product.
  • Re-engage customers: After purchasing a product, the QR code may lead consumers to the website, to subscribe via email, and even on a page, or a social account.

How to make it unique:

  • Extend an instant recipe or a product guide when the QR code is scanned. This makes the experience more useful for the customer: The knowledge, the advice and the products of the coordinate company can be used at once.
  • Make sure that there is a brand story provided through the QR code. Let the targeted customers be informed of some values the company holds or the process of producing the product.

5. Using QR Codes for effective marketing for certain locations

Location QR Code Generator

Suppose you are strolling around your city, and the shop advertises a message; ‘scan for the nearest shop.’ when you scan the QR Code, a map that shows your current location and the shop nearest to you opens. It is a perfect way of drawing traffic to those who just happen to be around to visit the business in question.

Why it works:

  • Convenient for customers: Customers will approach the store without even the necessity to look for directions to your shop.
  • Boosts foot traffic: It makes people who are in proximity visit your store.
  • Immediate action: One of the reasons that make QR codes different from other methods is that they make people act immediately, for example; go to your place.

How to make it unique: 

  • Make it time-sensitive. Inform people that if they come to the store in the next one hour they will be offered a reduction or some gifts.
  • To enforce uniqueness, major on a particular map that will read “You are only 2 minutes away from the best offer!”

QR codes are great for marketing:

QR codes are incredibly user-friendly and offer numerous benefits to businesses. Here are some key advantages that make them highly effective in marketing:

  • They are extremely easy to use and provide significant advantages to companies.
  • Here are some key reasons why they are highly successful in marketing:
  • Instant access: It is convenient for people to obtain information or some offers without having to type anything.
  • Low cost: Though the creation of the QR code is almost free, it can be seen by many people.
  • Track results: For the business entities, they get to know the number of people who scanned the code to enable them to identify what is effective or not.
  • Flexible: It can direct the consumer to anything — a website, a video, a coupon, or a map. This makes them super great tools in any kind of marketing strategy that is required.

Unique QR codes:

QR codes, ostensibly mundane in their appearance as mere arrangements of black and white squares, have the potential for enhanced visual appeal. The following propositions elucidate how QR codes may achieve uniqueness and prominence:

  • Custom design: Rather than adhering to the conventional monochromatic schema, entities may incorporate varied hues and even their corporate insignia into the QR code. Such alterations render the code not only more aesthetically engaging but also congruent with the brand's identity.
  • Shapes and sizes: It is pertinent to recognize that QR codes are not restricted to a square configuration. They can manifest in diverse geometrical forms or be seamlessly integrated into pre-existing images or elaborate design layouts.
  • Call to action: A salient message accompanying the QR code, such as "Scan to win!" or "Scan for a free guide," significantly enhances its efficacy. This personifies a mechanism for conveying to consumers the explicit incentives related to scanning the QR code.

How to Use QR Codes Creatively

Commercial entities are encouraged to adopt innovative approaches in the deployment of QR codes within their promotional strategies. Below are several imaginative methodologies:

  • Pop-up events: The incorporation of QR codes to disseminate information about transient events, sudden sales, or the unveiling of new products can prove beneficial.
  • Real-time feedback: Establishing QR codes within retail environments or affixed to packaging allows consumers to provide immediate evaluations or feedback.
  • Product registration: QR codes may serve as an expedient means for the registration of technologically advanced products or items necessitating a warranty, thereby streamlining such processes.


FAQ's QR Code Generator

1. How are QR codes utilized in advertising?

In marketing, QR codes can be used to share websites, videos, special offers or social media links. They provide instant access to important information like discounts, product details and maps that direct users to nearby businesses.

2. What are the characteristics of an effective QR code during a marketing campaign?

To be considered effective one must position it in the right place such as on posters, packages or advertisements and then make it accompanied by clear instructions like “Scan for 10% off”. It should also be easily scannable and lead to worthwhile engaging materials.

3. In what creative ways can one apply QR codes for advertising?

Another creative aspect could involve linking these codes with exclusive video feeds (for example), hosting interactive contests via social media platforms or creating personalized navigational maps. Additionally, companies may opt to design tailored-made codes displaying the brand’s colors or logos thus making their scans to become fun-filled.

4. Is it possible to customize a QR code in line with my company’s identity?

It is possible; you can alter the colors of your code, add logos as well as change the shape into any form that symbolizes your business. That way this barcode tends to be recognizable and conform to what a certain firm represents.

5. What ways do I have for following up on how effective the usage of QR codes is?

You can keep track of QR code scanning through analytical instruments that show how many individuals have scanned the barcode and its location


5 Creative ways of using QR codes in Marketing:In marketing campaigns, QR codes are a must-have tool. They are user-friendly, economical and offer meaningful information to businesses. By being innovative and finding a way of making the experience of a QR code different from others, companies can reach out to their clients in novel and thrilling ways.

Offering discounts, sharing videos, increasing social media presence, improving product packaging or directing customers to the closest store can all be done through QR codes which will make your marketing more sophisticated.

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